Bus from Delhi to London: Exciting journey will start from May 21; Tickets, routes, booking details

 The bus journey from Delhi to London will cover a distance of 20,000 km.  This journey will be completed in 70 days.  Travelers can book for the entire trip or choose from 4 of its lags, including Southeast Asia (11 nights, 12 days), China (15 nights, 16 days), Central Asia (21 nights,  22 days) and Europe (15 nights, 16 days).

Expenses and route

The bus journey from Delhi to London will start from the capital of India and will end in London via Myanmar, Thailand, China, Uzbekistan, Russia, Czech Republic, Germany.

 If you want to travel the entire bus from Delhi to London, then the cost per person is Rs 15 lakhs.

 Twin sharing in the hotel

In this journey, staying in the hotel will be on twin sharing basis.  In case of every type of situation like currency exchange, taking a local SIM card, etc., a proper crew will travel with the bus to help the passengers.  Www.bustolondon.in for how to register for the world's longest bus journey. 
