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8th failed person hacked 400 girls Fb account used to blackmail and ask for money


8th failed person hacked Facebook accounts of 400 girls, used to blackmail and ask for money

8th failed person hacked Facebook accounts of 400 girls, used to blackmail and ask for money

A very shocking case involving cyber crime has come to light, in which a 26-year-old man allegedly hacked the social media accounts of 400 girls and then blackmailed them to pay them Rs. This person has been identified as Vineet Mishra and he is said to be the eighth failure. On the complaint of a girl, the Lucknow Cyber ​​CrimeBranch of Lucknow Police has arrested the accused.

Police said that recently a girl has lodged a complaint, stating that an unknown person is using her objectionable photographs to blackmail her for money. The girl told the police that the person had hacked the girl's Facebook account. After this, the cybercrime branch started investigating this case and arrested Vineet Mishra on Tuesday.

When the police questioned the accused, he told that he is the eighth felon and he learned the trick of blackmailing people by hacking accounts from a YouTube video. For this, he used to befriend them by sending friend requests to girls on different social media platforms and then sent them a link to a website, which said that this link contains pornographic photos of them.

ID and password were sought to open the link

To open this link given by him, girls had to enter their email ID and password and hacked the social media accounts of such girls. After hacking the girls' social media accounts, he used to download their personal and objectionable pictures, videos and their chatting from their account and take screen shots of them. He used to work to blackmail them.

Used to threaten girls for not giving money

It has been told in the complaint that Mishra used to talk to girls only through chatting. For this work, Mishra had also created different Facebook IDs, which would easily fool people. He used to target such girls who easily get chatting with their Facebook friend.

He used to threaten the girls, saying that if they did not give him the money, he would upload their objectionable pictures on social media. According to the police report, Mishra had similarly accessed at least 400 girls' mobile phone photos, mobile chats etc. and threatened to upload their phone content on social media if they did not pay. . Mishra's laptop has been confiscated and sent for forensic examination.
